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Sister Bound Page 2

  * * *

  It all changed again in the summer after my high school graduation. I didn’t have any plans for the summer holidays besides working at the local book store. I needed all the money I could get to be able to make ends meet next year at college.

  My parents were not thrilled with me staying at home alone while they went off on their vacation. I wasn’t thrilled with their lack of confidence in me. I was eighteen, for crying out loud. I thought I had finally convinced them to trust me, when my mom threw me a curve–ball at dinner a few nights before their scheduled departure.

  “Guess what?” she said.

  “Me?” I hadn’t been paying attention, so I wasn’t sure if she had meant me or dad. She nodded. “I dunno. What?”

  “I solved our little dilemma for us.”

  “What dilemma?” Slow. Then it hit me. She was back to the old subject again. “I thought we had no dilemma anymore! We solved it. You were going to trust your eighteen year old daughter to look after herself!”

  “I know. And I do. But I’d just feel a lot better if you weren’t alone here in this house for so long. And it’s not that I don’t trust you, but there’s a whole world out there. A girl alone in a house for that long. I just don’t like that thought. But I found a solution even you won’t have a problem with!”

  She was so happy with herself that I couldn’t help to smile. I was curious what she had cooked up. My smile congealed on my face with her next words.

  “Your brother is going to come over for the holidays and stay with you. Isn’t that great? You guys always got along so well with each other, and he seemed really eager to come back home for a while.”

  I swallowed in a suddenly dry mouth. A whole summer alone with David in the house? God, please no! I wouldn’t be able to evade him then, just the two of us.

  Worse, I didn’t know if I could trust myself to stay out of his reach. I had learned a lot about myself since that fateful day when he spanked me. I’d had some boyfriends, and some experience with sex, but that had mostly been a very unsatisfying set of memories. None of the boys I went out with could really fire me up. A nagging voice in the back of my head kept whispering it knew exactly why that was, and I didn’t really want to know. But I did know, of course. Deep down.

  I tried to swallow again. “Really? Why would he want to stay over here? It’s not as if his friends will be in town during the summer.”

  “I think he’s looking forward to some downtime. He’s been working too hard, and partying too hard at the same time, from what I hear between the lines. Besides, he finally met someone.” The smile on her face dimmed somewhat with her next words. “One that he wants to introduce to his parents, at least.”

  “And just so you know, we’re not going to alter our plans so you can hang around and get to know her better!” My dad had his finger wagging under mom’s nose. “You’ll have plenty of time for that when we get back.”

  “I know. I know.” She batted at his finger.

  “So, uh, when are they coming then?” It seemed a done deal, so I figured there wasn’t really any point for me to protest this arrangement.

  I had been ready to fiercely protest his chaperoning me for the summer, knowing that it had the potential to be a disaster. Talk about asking the fox to guard the hen–house. But I knew it would be useless, the deal was done, he was coming home.

  The news that he wasn’t coming alone, though, put my head in a spin. Glad that I wouldn’t be home alone with David, I felt an emotion I hadn’t really felt before. Jealousy. Why the hell would I feel jealous? This was all shaping up to be a very confusing summer for me. Not how I anticipated spending it just a week—or even an hour—ago. Great.

  “He’ll make it here by Wednesday he said. Which is a real shame, as your dad and I have to leave early on Thursday. I really would have liked to get to know this girl he’s bringing home.” She sighed. “But I guess we’ll have some time after we come back. He said he’d stay until he had to get back to work, which won’t be for another week after we get back.”

  * * *

  They arrived just before dinner. As David’s car drove up on our driveway, mom and dad hurried outside to greet them. I trailed behind, less enthusiastic about David’s arrival, but wary of showing too much reluctance. Maybe we had grown out of our past and it would all be fine.

  Standing a little bit back I could take in the whole scene and watch David with his girlfriend as they were greeted by our parents. She looked young, but absolutely stunning. Actually, she looked a bit like me, but a much more beautiful version of me, I thought. My height, pretty tall for a woman, slender, but with an athletic grace that hinted at a hidden strength, dirty blond hair falling down to just below her shoulders and fine, nearly angelic features. Small dainty nose, small mouth with cute lips, smooth skin, beautiful blue–gray eyes…

  During my appraisal of her she had managed to walk up to me, catching me staring at her. “Hi, I’m Stephanie. Call me Steph for short. Everyone else does.” She held out her hand, which I took.

  “Hi,” I said, unable to stop the heat rising to my cheeks. “I’m Wendy. Welcome. I hope you’ll enjoy your stay here.”

  “Thanks, I’m sure we will. I’m so glad to finally meet you, David is always talking about you, you know.

  ”Oh, to hell with it.“ And she pulled me into a tight hug. ”I really want us to get along together.“

  What? ”Uh, sure, of course.“

  As Stephanie let go of me, David grabbed me and pulled me into a hug too. Just a friendly hug, but I felt my blush deepen to a very embarrassed red. His masculine scent made my nose tingle, and his strong arms around me made me feel safe and threatened at the same time. Great start.

  Dinner was pretty uneventful. Stephanie was the focal point of my parents’ attention, of course, but David kept looking at me. He let mom, dad and Stephanie carry most of the conversation. After dinner the others all retired early to bed, mom and dad because they were leaving early in the morning, Stephanie and David pleaded exhaustion from their trip.

  This left me alone in the living room, lord over the remote. I kept switching between a stupid movie about some assassination plot and a documentary on Yellowstone Park. I couldn’t really get into either, so after zapping back and forth for half an hour I decided I should also just go to bed. A good night’s sleep might settle me down.

  The next morning I was woken up too early by mom as she came in to say goodbye. Dad followed suit and hushed my attempts to be civil and get out of bed to see them off properly. So I gladly hugged him goodbye and sank back to snuggle back into my soft warm sheets. As I was drifting back to sleep I heard their car pull out of the driveway.

  * * *

  I was being manhandled by some big hunk that looked suspiciously like David. He had pulled my left wrist up to the cross and tied it off, and was now busy doing the same with my right, spreading my arms wide above my head. The feeling of helplessness was overwhelmingly vivid and the humiliation of being affixed to a cross in front of a big crowd of nicely dressed party–goers was dreadful and exciting at the same time. I felt my dream–self moisten as my heart was pounding inside my chest.

  The dream was familiar, one of my regulars, that usually had me wake up in the middle of the night needing to bring the arousal to a head so I could get back to a normal state and get some sleep.

  It was only when my attacker gripped my jaw in his strong hand and forced my mouth to open and accept a gag that I woke up. Still muggy and slow coming out of a deep sleep, David—I didn’t have a doubt that it was David—had managed to put the gag fully in before I could utter a sound. He quickly buckled it behind my head, silencing me effectively.

  I struggled against the ropes he had used to tie my wrists to either side of the headboard. My bed being a queen size this spread my arms wide and effectively immobilized the top half of my body. My legs were still under the covers, but I tried to bring them into play and kick at David. I only managed to uncover mys
elf completely and then David caught one of my ankles and quickly wrapped a cord around it and tied it to the footboard. The other ankle was caught despite my frantic kicking and tied down too.

  Within moments I had been strapped to my own bed, spreadeagled and gagged, totally helpless. My heart was pounding in my chest, partly from the adrenaline of trying to fight him off, partly from the fear and humiliation of being tied up. In the back of my mind I also registered shock that David would do something like this to me while his girlfriend was somewhere in the same house.

  I tried to give him a disapproving glare to get him to let me go, but he just looked back at me with a slight smile. ”You look beautiful like that, sis.“

  ”MMMMmmMMMM!“ Not much use trying to communicate like that.

  David turned away from me and went over to my desk. Rummaging around until he found what he was looking for, he came back to stand at the foot of the bed. Holding my scissors. He leaned over to my left leg and pulled my pajama pants away from my ankle. I shouldn’t have bought such good quality scissors, as these made short work of it, from the bottom of my pant–leg to the top. It took a little more work getting through the elastic band, but David soon had that cut through, too. Moving over to my right leg, he repeated the procedure. Now my legs were bare, lying on top of the ruined pant–legs of my pajama bottoms.

  Getting up on the bed between my legs, David put his hand on my pussy. A jolt went through me and I briefly jerked on the ropes binding me to the bed. That hurt my ankles and wrists, so I gave up again quickly. I did try to close my legs as far as my bonds let me, which wasn’t far. My breathing was ragged and quick through my nose. This was all going way too fast. Here I was being undressed by my brother after he had securely tied me spreadeagled to my own bed.

  I don’t know what I had been thinking was going to happen, but the touch of his heavy hand covering my pussy and mound brought home the fact that David had intentions far beyond any previous tying up games we had played. He was clearly going for the adult version now. Which terrified as much as it excited me. I tried to shrink back into the mattress, to dissolve beneath his touch, get away from this wrong act he was performing on my body, touching me intimately.

  I felt my neck and cheeks heat up. I hated when I did that, but of course had no control over it. David noticed and smiled at me. He looked so benign when he did that. At least when he wasn’t smirking his smirk. Then he looked like a douche. He really could be a great guy. In fact, that’s how I had always seen him. Fantasized about him even. But that was fantasy, this was real. And scary. And exciting.

  He grabbed the ruins of my pajama pants by the crotch and tugged them out from under me. Leaving me in my t–shirt and panties.

  ”See, I told you you like this,“ he said, as he ran his finger along my covered pussy lips. I squirmed in my bonds, trying to get away. My panties were damp, betraying my excitement to him.

  Next to go was my t–shirt. Cutting it up, David had no trouble getting it off me. My nipples hardened when they were exposed to the air. David grabbed them both between his fingers and gave them a painful tweak.


  David looked up at my face and grew serious. He moved over on top of me, parking his ass just about on top of my mound.

  ”So, little sis. Seems you finally started growing up, huh?“ He put his hands back on my breasts, and softly massaged them, cupping them with my hard nipples in his palms and sending shock waves through my body, straight to my pussy. ”I thought you’d never get some of these, but here you are. All nice and perky. And just about the right size too, just a handful. Very pretty. Sexy as hell.“

  ”MMmmhhmm!“ I couldn’t believe he was manhandling my tits as if he was doing nothing out of the ordinary. I also couldn’t believe what he had just said. His words forced a feeling of pride to rise up in me. My brother liked my tits. What the hell was wrong with me? Well, I did kind of like my size and shape up there myself as well, so I guess I couldn’t blame David for liking it, too.

  ”So, sis. Let’s just skip all the bullshit and get right to the point. We’re going to be here together for a while, all alone in this house. Well, the three of us, but I think we’ll all get along together just great. Actually, I’ll make sure of it. You see, I’m going to train you to be my little slave girl.“

  What? I must have heard him wrong. This was going beyond ridiculous.

  He must have seen the reaction in my eyes. ”Yes, my little pet. You heard me. I know what you are, and what you truly want and need, so I’m going to give it to you. Better me than some kind of sleaze–bag that won’t appreciate what a treasure you are. You see, I’ve been getting a bit better educated while I was away. Have to thank a very nice little lady for opening my eyes and seeing what was there in front of me all the time. You see, my little sis, you are a submissive and a bit of a masochist.“

  He was crazy. Out of his mind. Bonkers. And I was tied up to the bed, at his mercy. And getting pretty freaked.

  ”Aw, sis, don’t worry. I know it’s kind of a shock, but you’ll learn to love it. Learn to love being my little slave, just wait. But right now, I’ve been waiting for this moment far too long, so enough talk.“

  He leaned over and kissed my forehead. I felt his hands rub along my outstretched arms, tickling my skin and raising goosebumps. Next he moved down over my face kissing my brows, my nose, then down to my jawline. As he started down into my neck, his hands moved down my arms, tickling me in my arm–pits and on down to my ribs. Everywhere his fingers went my goosebumps followed. I had closed my eyes, trying to block out the feelings he was raising in me, but it was useless. It was heavenly. David knew how to play me like an violin. I heard myself moan softly and quickly clamped my jaws around the gag and fought to keep myself in control. A battle I was loosing quickly.

  David ignored my sounds and continued on down with his kisses, heading for my breasts. He started on my right, circling around and around, nibbling and kissing and licking, but not yet touching my nipple. His right hand moved up to cup my left breast, just holding it, gently rubbing my nipple in his palm. Before he finally reached my nipple with his mouth, he moved over and worked my other breast with his mouth, switching his hands up too. Again, slowly approaching my nipple, but never really reaching. My breath was ragged, forced through my nose, and I was unable to stop myself from making soft mewling sounds and occasional stifled moans. David was very good at this. Damn.

  I was in turmoil. I didn’t want this. Any of this. Really. But my body was being manipulated into ever higher levels of arousal. And I was unable to stop it. Defenseless against David’s onslaught. He had me aroused and wet, soaking my panties. The thought was humiliating. David would notice. Know his plan was working. Making me enjoy what he was doing against my will. Breaking me. That thought nearly pushed me over the brink into orgasm. The only thing that kept me away was the surprise that ran through me. Surprise that such thoughts did nothing but excite me further. Was David right? No! I screamed it at myself. Denying with every fiber of my being. And still unable to silence that little nagging voice deep down inside that kept repeating, maybe… maybe…

  The constant struggle to keep myself from betraying my body’s reactions to David’s manipulations was exhausting me. I felt myself weaken against his touches and kisses. My own thoughts weren’t helping at all.

  As I felt I was finally nearing release, David stopped and sat up. ”Enjoying yourself?“ His grin was wicked. I blushed furiously and averted my eyes. My breathing was labored and loud through my nose. I had been so close to letting go completely.

  He grabbed my nipples between his fingers and started to tweak them. Starting off softly, he increased the pressure, until he was really pinching them way too hard. I screamed into my gag in pain. Instead of easing off he started twisting them as he pinched them even harder. My scream inched up an octave and tears sprang into my eyes. I was struggling against my bonds with all my strength, oblivious to the damage the ropes were doing t
o my ankles and wrists, the pain there drowned out by the much more intense pain in my nipples. It felt as if he was tearing them off my breasts.

  When he finally let up, I slumped back in exhaustion. Strangely, though, I still was on the brink of an orgasm, my arousal not having been dampened much by David’s mistreatment of my nipples. ”Pleasure and pain, sis. I can give you either, or both, or anything in between. You just make sure you don’t piss me off, and I’ll keep the pain to bearable levels. If not, what you felt just now is going to feel like a sweet caress compared to the pain I’ll make you feel. Remember that.“ I saw in his face that he was serious. I shuddered to think what he had in mind that might bring me more pain than I had gone through just now. I was caught in his web, and I knew that I had better play along with his games. At least until I had a real opportunity to escape. If that ever presented itself. I really hoped it did, because a whole summer with the new David would probably kill me. If not physically, my mind and spirit for sure.

  The pain had morphed into a throbbing heat in my nipples radiating down into my breasts and reaching out to my pussy. I became aware that I was gently rocking my pelvis, as if I was trying to dry hump David who was still seated on top of me. Shamed, I quickly forced myself to stop.

  David grinned at me, as if he had been waiting for me to notice what I had been doing. I just closed my eyes to avoid having to look at him.

  I opened them again as he moved off me. He got up and retrieved the scissors. Knowing I was helpless to stop him anyway I just lay there as he cut through my panties. Instead of cutting through the waist band at my hips, he grabbed the crotch and cut through it there, leaving the ruins dangling around my waist. If he was trying to humiliate me more, it was working. He pushed the remains higher up on my waist so that my pussy and ass were completely bare.

  He tossed the scissors away and knelt down on the bed between my spread legs. My tears were steadily trickling down my cheeks, but at the same time I was aroused beyond anything I’d been before. David had worked me up to a fever pitch and had then kept me there for longer than I thought possible. I was almost ready to beg him to just finish the job and let me cum.